For some individuals, the idea that you need assistance in breaking free from your addiction can be tough to swallow. If this is the case for you, adding another individual to the mix outside of medical professionals may be an idea you’re also struggling with. Here are some things to consider when attempting to determine whether or not you really need a sponsor to stay sober.
What Makes A Good Sponsor
The great thing about identifying an individual to potentially ask for sponsorship is that they can have nearly any qualities as long as they’re positive. You may do well with someone who is boisterous and takes charge or find sobriety with someone who is quiet.
Although sponsorship is usually tied to Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous, any mentor who has been where you are can help you get and stay sober. Ultimately, you want to ensure that they have the ability to be leaned on when you need it. Being able to reach out to a sponsor is absolutely essential and is the number one duty that they should be able to perform.
Opening The Conversation With A Potential Sponsor
A best practice when considering approaching someone for sponsorship is to take the time to get to know them first. You want them to be more than a casual acquaintance before you attempt to ask them to look out for you in that capacity.
If you take the time to establish a friendship first, there’s a high likelihood that they’ll know you need someone to fill that kind of role and may even offer before you ask. Getting to know them will help you to consider what they have going on in their own lives as well. You want to ensure that they have the time and ability to offer you the attention you need. You also want to be sure that his or her sobriety to strong and that you want the same thing.
How A Sponsor And Treatment Can Tie Together
After you’ve found a sponsor, he or she can be a valuable resource where pursuing professional addiction treatment is concerned. Most of the time, the individual sponsoring you will have gone through treatment themselves. This means they can help to prepare you and set your expectations when entering treatment. This insight often works towards building the habits that will keep you working on sober recovery over the long-term.
Pursuing professional treatment can be absolutely crucial when working towards sobriety. Professional treatment centers focus on breaking down harmful habits and are safe spaces to work through withdrawal symptoms.
Serenity House Detox & Recovery is a professional treatment center that focuses on identifying the signs of alcoholism and addressing the addiction. This facility works to keep individuals who are pursuing treatment comfortable while helping them get on the path to a healthier lifestyle. Serenity House Detox & Recovery can help you to recover from multiple substances, including:
- Alcohol
- Amphetamine
- Methamphetamine
- Prescription Opioids
Don’t wait a minute longer to begin working towards the lifestyle you deserve. Take out your phone and call 866-294-5306 for more information about how you can break away from your addiction.