There’s no shame in asking for help if you’re struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Thousands of people across the United States and around the world are afflicted with the disease of addiction. Many people don’t want to ask for help because they believe they can overcome their addiction on their own, but this can be very dangerous in most cases.
Long-term drug or alcohol abuse causes a variety of withdrawal symptoms that are both uncomfortable and dangerous. Some people experience fatal consequences when trying to quit cold turkey, which is why it’s so important to ask for the help of a qualified detox center when you’re ready to get sober.
How Withdrawal Symptoms Happen
Many people who are dependent enough and experience symptoms of withdrawal neglect their health and don’t fully understand what’s happening to their body. Some people manage to stay drunk or high so often that they don’t even realize that they’re dependent to drugs or alcohol. There are others who don’t realize what withdrawal is, but they experience symptoms and know that the symptoms go away when they drink or use more. What’s happening during withdrawal is that the body is trying desperately to regain homeostasis, and it goes into a state of shock.
Depending on the substance the you’re using, the withdrawal symptoms can vary. The symptoms of withdrawal from drugs like cocaine or meth are mainly psychological, and they typically include irritability, insomnia and depression. Those who struggle with an opiate addiction can feel body aches and pains, nausea and depression. Of all the substances out there, alcohol withdrawal can be the most dangerous. Those withdrawing from alcohol can have seizures or heart failure as a result of trying to quit cold turkey.
Ask for Help for Your Withdrawal Symptoms
A qualified drug and alcohol detox center specializes in helping people like you get through the symptoms of withdrawal as painlessly and comfortably as possible. You’ll be supervised by expert medical staff members who understand the withdrawal symptoms of each substance, and they’ll provide you with medications that help to counteract these symptoms.
Certain medications have been created specifically for those who are going through detox, and they’re designed to trick the brain into thinking that you’re still drinking or using. This allows the body to slowly come off of drugs or alcohol, so you don’t experience as many of the harsh symptoms.
If you’re ready to begin a new life, take the first step by coming to Serenity House Detox & Recovery. We know that detox isn’t going to cure your addiction, so we’re here to help you create a foundation for your recovery before going to addiction treatment. You can call us today at 866-396-4129 for more information.