When you decide to detox from alcohol, you’re beginning an important stage of life that can restore your health and your happiness. Before you begin this process, there are some key things to know that can help guide you during detox, rehab and throughout your lifetime of sobriety. These five pieces of information can make a difference as you begin to detox from alcohol:
1. The First Step Really is the Hardest
It’s not a cliche—walking into a detox facility and committing to the program is the hardest step of all. Once you begin down the road to recovery, you’ll encounter challenges, but taking that first step is always the hardest in your battle against alcohol addiction.
2. DT is a Serious Concern When You Detox from Alcohol
Anyone contemplating an at-home detox or the prospect of quitting cold turkey should be aware of DT, or delirium tremens. This is a withdrawal symptom present when patients detox from alcohol, and it can appear in as many as 5% of those trying to break free from an alcohol addiction.
DT isn’t something that individuals can or should try to handle without proper medical supervision. Some of the things patients can experience as a result of DT include the following:
- High fever
- Extreme sweating and dehydration
- Confusion
- Shaking
- Seizures
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety
Thankfully, medical professionals at a professional detox center can care for guests suffering from DT and give them medications to ease symptoms and reduce discomfort or confusion.
3. Withdrawal Symptoms Peak at 72 Hours
Anyone with an addiction to alcohol will know that withdrawal symptoms can begin to present themselves just a few hours after drinking. These symptoms tend to build, increasing in strength, for the first few days. However, they will eventually peak, and patients can enjoy reduced withdrawal symptoms and greater mental clarity. Typically, withdrawal symptoms peak at 72 hours after the last drink of alcohol.
4. PAWS Can Arise Weeks Later
As you begin the process of detoxing from alcohol, you need to understand that PAWS may also come into play a few weeks later. PAWS, or Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, can be a renewal of physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Patients who suffer from PAWS often think that this symbolizes an upcoming relapse or an inability to stay sober. In reality, it’s very common and merely a small hurdle to overcome on the road to lasting sobriety.
5. Inpatient Monitoring is Vital During Detox
Detox is far, far more than just avoiding alcohol for a few days and riding out withdrawal. Inpatient monitoring will be 24/7, something that is crucial in order for patients to avoid dehydration, have the right medications to increase comfort levels and minimize withdrawal symptoms.
If you’re ready to begin your detox from alcohol, consider Serenity House Detox & Recovery in Florida. Call 1-866-396-4129 to take the first step toward detox, addiction rehab, treatment and eventual recovery from your addiction.