Mental health disorders can be debilitating. They impact every area of your life. It is not uncommon for our therapists to uncover underlying mental health disorders in men and women with addiction. During the detox process, it can become evident that there’s an underlying condition that needs treatment. The good news is, treatment can be effective at helping a person gain stability. Our team at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida can help you do that. To learn more about our services, please call Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida today at 866.294.5306.
Common Mental Health Disorders
It’s essential to have a comprehensive, formal diagnosis of your mental health disorder by licensed therapists or counselors. That’s the only way to know what you’re struggling with and what treatments to apply. Below are some of the most common mental health disorders and what they can mean to your future:
- Depression: Significant sadness, hopelessness, and an inability to find happiness in the things around you can signify a severe mental health disorder. Depression may range from severe to mild but always warrants treatment.
- Anxiety: Anxiety is a natural human emotion, but when it occurs all of the time and not always for a specific reason, that’s an indication of an underlying mental health disorder. This condition may include constant worrying and no longer engaging in activities because of anxious feelings.
- Bipolar disorders: Bipolar disorder occurs when a person experiences manic highs and profound lows. These mood swings can happen over months with weeks of intense energy and agitation followed by periods of feeling depressed and unable to get through the day.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder: PTSD occurs after a person witnesses a traumatic event that the brain doesn’t correctly process. PTSD can go on for years and may lead to flashbacks, intense anxiety, and limited overall ability to function.
- Schizophrenia: Though less common, this type of mental health disorder often involves breaks from reality, such as hallucinations and paranoia. It is a serious mental health disorder that requires treatment to balance symptoms and improve quality of life.
Many people who are battling intense mental health conditions require professional support to recover.
How Do Mental Health Disorders and Addiction Mix?
A person with an addiction is at a higher risk of having an underlying mental health disorder. Either the mental health disorder or substance abuse can come first. It is common for people to use substances to control their negative thoughts and mental health disorder symptoms. Over time, this leads to addiction.
If you have both, it’s beneficial to work through dual diagnosis treatment, an option that focuses on both conditions simultaneously. Doing this helps minimize the risk of relapse or adverse mental health outcomes. Treatment for one does not alleviate those risks.
Finding Help at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida
At Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida, our team encourages you to take the first step. Get into a detox program with us. This process allows your body to remove all the toxins from the drugs you’ve consumed. Over some time, you’ll gain mental clarity. Then, your doctor can work closely with you to prescribe medications to manage the underlying mental health condition, giving you the ability to move forward with stability. Ongoing psychotherapy can help you to work through these complications.
If you are facing these types of complications, take the first step in getting help through detox. Our programs include:
- Residential detox center
- Medical detox center
- Holistic detox center
- Luxury detox center
- Dual diagnosis treatment center
At Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida, we provide detox services that can help you stop the worsening of your mental health disorders due to drug and alcohol use. To learn more, call us at 866.294.5306 or connect with us online now.