Meth is extremely dangerous and addictive. This smoked, snorted, swallowed or injected drug is one of the worst when it comes to overcoming addiction. Just getting through meth withdrawal is intense. But with the help of a professional and accredited meth detox center, you can achieve sobriety for a better life.
What is Meth Withdrawal Syndrome?
Meth withdrawal syndrome is the collection of symptoms appearing when you stop using meth after addiction. These symptoms start appearing within hours after quitting your drug and affects you physically and psychologically. So why do these symptoms happen and how can you make them bearable? Meth is very powerful. Your body and brain change when you use the drug, adapting to having it in your system. Likewise, when you take meth away after tolerance to the drug has developed, your body and brain must change back to normal. It is these changes that create withdrawal symptoms. Meth withdrawal includes feelings of deep depression and physical illness. Meth affects the pleasure centers of your brain, so your brain stops making its own dopamine and relies on the drug for pleasure. By stopping use your brain is void of enough natural dopamine for you to feel happy without the drug. This improves over time, but at first causes depression during meth detox and early recovery.
Other Effects of Withdrawal from Meth
Withdrawal from meth includes more than depression. Using the drug takes away appetite, so you may experience intense hunger. These feelings begin within hours to a day after your last dose. Many people quitting meth feel suicidal. This is one of the biggest dangers of meth detox and why you need professional detox help for your own safety. Other feelings and symptoms include:
- Sleep problems
- Shaking and tremors
- Fever, chills, and sweating
- Nausea, vomiting, and hunger
- High blood pressure and heart palpitations
- Respiratory failure
Within the first week or two of quitting meth, you feel exhausted and sleep for extended periods. You gain weight from eating better and experience intense drug cravings. Although you know using meth again will make you feel better, you must avoid drug relapse for your own safety. This is why help from a licensed, accredited and supervised drug detox is so critical.
Florida Meth Detox for Safe Withdrawal
For safe withdrawal from meth, Serenity House Detox & Recovery in Fort Lauderdale and Jupiter, Florida provides a meth detox program. These residential detox programs provide an array of services and therapies you need to start healthy recovery from this dangerous drug. Services include:
- Residential drug detox
- Healthy nutrition
- Holistic approach to treatment
- Supervised, safe medical detox
- Individual, group and family therapy
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
If you or someone you love needs meth addiction treatment, that treatment starts at Serenity House Detox & Recovery. Call us now at 866-294-5306 for more information about how we can help you get free from meth.