Social drinking may seem normal to some people. You may be one of the many people around others who are drinking over dinner, in a conversation, or at that big corporate event. If you are focusing on sober living and you do not want to drink, you shouldn’t. You also should not feel pressured to do so. For those in recovery, any amount of drinking is unhealthy and puts you at risk for relapse. If you are at that point, reach out to our team at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida for help.
Is Any Drinking Okay in Recovery?
The answer here is no. Once you start on the sober living lifestyle, you will not be able to consume any amount of alcohol. In fact, even pretending to do so or putting yourself in situations where you are surrounded by alcohol is not encouraged. That includes those social drinking situations. Over time, you may develop more of an ability to ignore what others are drinking. Right now, you could be too at risk for relapse to engage in these situations.
What If You Don’t Want Others to Know?
You are confident in your ability to avoid drinking. You know you’re committed to sober living. Yet, you may not want to tell your soon-to-be boss that you can’t share a bottle of wine with them. What do you do? Every situation is different, but there are a few key things to keep in mind here.
- If you can, drink something else in that wine glass.
- Don’t feel you have to explain your life story to anyone. Just say no, thank you.
- It’s respectable to say you are not drinking because you’re driving, in every situation.
- Instead of drinking, engage with people in activities that require them to stay sober such as a sport.
- When social drinking is common, simply state you don’t drink. If questioned about it, say it’s a life choice.
You should not feel that you can or should hide the fact that you do not drink. Many people do not drink, even though they have never had a substance use disorder. That’s important for you to realize because when you cannot engage in drinking like you used to, you may think people will notice. They may, but there are many ways to brush this off.
Facing the Risks and Getting Help When You Need It
Social drinking is one of the most significant risk factors for many men and women enjoying a sober lifestyle. However, drinking with friends or in a group puts you at risk for relapse. If the situation is too risky for you, don’t be a part of it. Excuse yourself or host an event without alcohol.
If you have trouble with this and find yourself drinking again, it’s time to get help. Even one drink is a risk for those who have a sober lifestyle. If you’re relapsed right now, or perhaps you have not gone through treatment yet, but you recognize the need, reach out to us. Our team offers a range of therapy options that may help you, including:
- Residential detox centers
- Inpatient detox centers
- Holistic detox centers
- Men’s detox programs
- Women’s detox programs
Reach Out to Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida
Drinking can change your life. When social drinking becomes a problem for you, it’s time to get help. If you are trying to maintain sober living and struggling, you may also need help. Our team at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida can offer the support you need to maintain your sobriety no matter what you are doing. To learn more, reach out to us online or call our compassionate counselors at 866.294.5306.