In America alone, more than 14 million people struggle with a drinking problem of some kind. Whether alcohol abuse or alcoholism, drinking problems can lead to devastating financial, emotional and physical effects. Exploring how an alcohol problem develops can be one key to treating it.
Genetic Makeup Increases the Chance of a Drinking Problem
The development of alcohol abuse or an addiction disorder can come about due to a wide range of factors. However, genetic makeup can be a big part of those factors. By some estimates, genetics are responsible for up to 50 percent of the risk factor for alcohol addiction.
Having alcoholism in the family doesn’t mean someone is doomed to addiction. However, they may have an increased chance of developing an alcohol abuse problem in the future.
Contributing Factors Can Lead to Alcohol Addiction
Biology is far from the only contributing factor that increases the risk of alcohol addiction and abuse. Countless physical, social and cultural factors also play a role.
Individuals with mental health illnesses are far more likely to struggle with addiction. The consumption of alcohol in a community, and the availability of alcohol at a young age can also increase the chance of alcohol problems.
Alcohol Consumption Begins
This might be obvious, but drinking problems don’t begin until alcohol is consumed. No one, regardless of risk factors, is inherently an alcoholic. Only after consuming alcohol can a person develop a problem with alcohol.
Alcohol addiction or abuse problems can develop at any time. However, they are more likely to develop if alcohol is consumed frequently or in large amounts. Alcohol problems are often linked to binge drinking. Binge drinking is typically defined as drinking more than four or five alcoholic drinks in two hours. Already the early signs of alcoholism can be noticed.
The Brain Becomes Dependent on Alcohol
A drinking problem develops because the body, and the brain in particular, becomes reliant on a supply of alcohol. The brain’s reward center adjusts, requiring alcohol in order to stave off feelings like discomfort or unhappiness. Skipping alcohol even for a day or two can result in withdrawal symptoms.
Once this happens, drinking can become increasingly important. Obsessive thoughts might develop, and trying to quit cold turkey can feel overwhelming. That’s when it is most important to turn to professional help. An alcohol detox can be a necessary step in treating an alcohol problem after it has developed.
Serenity House Detox & Recovery, with two locations in Florida, can be the right choice for the treatment of a drinking problem. Alcohol abuse and addiction problems can develop because of many factors, but they will all need to be treated with proper medical attention. Call 866-294-5306 to get started and tackle addiction with a treatment program today.