As parents, watching young adult children battle addiction can be terrifying. Knowing your child is using substances that could impact their lives is hard to comprehend. However, there is help available. If your teen is using drugs or alcohol, it’s essential to take the steps necessary to help them. The first step is to reach out for help. Let our team at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida provide that support by calling 866.294.5306 today.
Young Adult Addiction Is a Disease
One of the most important steps for parents with children facing addiction is to realize this is a disease. Once dependence sets in, a young adult cannot stop using on his or her own no matter how much they try. They may be unable to withstand the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. When you recognize addiction as a disease, that may change your perspective on how you can help. It also means taking a step back to refocus on your interactions with your child and how you parent them, even as if they are adults.
Tips for to Manage Young Adult Addiction
It may be possible to improve outcomes when making a few changes. Addiction parenting isn’t easy, but it can be managed more effectively with a few tips:
- Work to improve relationships: Though this step is challenging, improving communication lines and encouraging your loved one to open up to you can help them. It can also help you to understand what’s causing the addiction. Be as kind and respectful as you can.
- Don’t enable continued drug or alcohol abuse: That may mean not providing money to them if they need to pay the rent because they used rent money on drugs. It means not making excuses for them if they fail to meet responsibilities. This type of addiction parenting isn’t helping but enabling.
- Encourage positive behaviors: Try to focus on the positives, such as not using or using new coping skills for stress. Encourage positive interactions or trying new activities.
- Learn your role: Family therapy is an integral part of treatment. Children with addiction at any age are likely to need support while in recovery and later. Family therapy gives you information about how you can support your loved one and how to get them help when they need it.
- Set boundaries and keep them: Make it clear that your only goal is to help them stop using drugs or alcohol for good. It’s necessary to have boundaries on what you will accept in terms of their behavior, lying to you, or other expectations.
It’s never simple to create boundaries or stop enabling, but it is critical for the long term. Young adult addiction doesn’t have to be a life sentence if the right type and level of care is obtained now.
Seek Support at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida
If your loved one needs help, find a treatment program like Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida. We can provide the one-on-one support and guidance people need to achieve their best outcome. Parenting through addiction may lead to some challenging days. However, there’s help available for you, too. Our team can offer assistance for you as you learn how to move through this need. To do so, learn more about our therapies, including:
- Individual therapy programs
- Evidence-based therapy program
- Nutrition therapy program
- Family therapy program
- Group therapy program
Young adult addiction is problematic and painful for parents. It’s hard to know what you can do to help improve your child’s future. The first step is to recognize your need for help. Allow the professionals at Serenity House Detox & Recovery Florida to provide comprehensive support to you. To learn more, call 866.294.5306 or connect with our professionals online now.