The use of music therapy for treating pain and emotional issues is nothing new. For that reason, there’s enough history to support addiction counselors using it to help manage substance abuse issues. In the addiction treatment industry, it’s still a relatively new concept. However, it is showing great promise as a treatment option along with other traditional treatment modalities. So, “how does music therapy work?”
Defining Music Therapy
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of music therapy is, “therapy based on engagement in musical activities. The therapeutic use of music (as to reduce anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, promote physical rehabilitation, or enhance interpersonal communication) that typically involves listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, or composing music.”
As you can see, music therapy could undoubtedly be an effective way to treat addiction patients. It addresses the main issues most addicts are dealing with, including the presence of emotional problems and difficulty communicating.
How Does Music Therapy Work?
When thinking about how does music therapy work, we seek to determine how the patient benefits from such activities. For the most part, music therapy can take the form of active involvement (writing lyrics, singing, playing an instrument) or passive involvement (listening).
Counselors will choose this type of treatment option if they believe they can tap into the patient’s inner-self. Remember, the primary goal of therapy is to look for the causes of addiction. By involving the patient in some form of musical endeavor, the hope is it will allow them to express themselves better.
It’s interesting to note that the pleasure people get from music is somehow the same pleasure they get from using substances. The release of dopamine that comes from hearing pleasurable sounds is similar to the euphoria the drug user feels when they get high. The difference is music doesn’t harm the body or soul. In the end, counselors hope the music helps the patient learn to relax and cope better with their triggers and temptations.
Detox Treatment at Serenity House Detox & Recovery
At our facilities in Jupiter and Fort Lauderdale, we offer a wide range of detox services. We design our programs to help prepare patients for transfer to a reputable addiction treatment facility. Along with traditional detox programs, we are also the best co-occurring disorders treatment center Jupiter can provide. Our other services include:
- Detox program for men
- Detox program for women
- Family counseling
- Relapse prevention programs
- Addiction counseling
If you are wondering how does music therapy work for addiction recovery, you might be ready to find out. At Serenity House Detox & Recovery, we strive to help you get a strong start towards lasting recovery. For more information, just contact one of our staff members at 866-294-5306. After detox, you should be ready to deal with the rigors of inpatient treatment on your quest to recover your life from substance addiction.