If you’re searching for the best Fort Lauderdale detox center for quality drug and alcohol detox treatment, Serenity House Detox & Recovery should be your first option. The benefits of local detox are clear. Not only will you save money on travel expenses, you will also continue to enjoy the perfect Florida weather.
Why do People go to Detox?
Detox is the crucial first step on the road to long-term recovery. When you have been abusing drugs or alcohol for an extended period, your body develops a tolerance for and dependence on the drugs. Drug dependence is the condition in which your body changes its own chemistry and physiology to compensate for the presence of outside chemicals.
When you become dependent on drugs, you need them to function. If you are at this stage with your own substance abuse, it’s time to get professional help. The longer you remain in active addiction, the more likely serious health problems will occur.
The Worst Drug Addictions
Not all drug addictions are created equal, and some of them make detox significantly more difficult. This is due to four factors:
- The drug you are taking
- The method you use to take it
- The length of time you’ve been taking the drug
- The amount you’ve been taking
For instance, a young person who has recently become dependent on benzodiazepines is going to have a much different detox experience than a long-time heroin addict or alcoholic. However, the mark of a good detox center is the level of comfort they can provide as you get the powerful drugs out of your system.
If you are scared of detox, you shouldn’t be! You just need to find the right detox center.
Fort Lauderdale Drug Addiction Detox and Treatment
No matter what your drug of choice, you can get clean at Serenity House. However, because every health insurance policy is slightly different, you need to check the coverage for detox and substance abuse treatment for your specific policy. Many people who come to detox pay for at least part of their stay with health insurance. Fortunately, new federal government legislature has increased substance abuse treatment coverage for millions of Americans.
If you have more questions about drug and alcohol addiction treatment with Serenity House Detox & Recovery, give us a call today. Your Serenity experience includes:
- Tranquil, relaxing facilities
- A team of experienced detox professionals
- Competitive pricing
Serenity House Detox & Recovery is Fort Lauderdale’s leading detox center.