Addiction has become a widespread problem throughout the United States today. Fortunately, there are detox and rehab for women locations in all states. These help individuals who are struggling with addiction.
Addiction can take hold of all areas of your life, including ruining relationships, your health, your career, and your finances. Fortunately, however, it’s never too late to start addiction treatment programs. It all begins with detox. On this page, we will outline what a woman can expect at a detox program for alcohol or drug addiction.
Women and Addiction
No one wants to admit that they have a problem with addiction. Furthermore, no one wants to admit they’ve been drinking too much for too long. It seems almost as if acknowledging this means you’re weak–even though that’s entirely not true.
Still, there are specific stigmas associated with substance abuse and addiction, for women especially. Society wants women prim and proper, and that does not fit the addiction definition. That is, they are supposed to have their act together and be in charge of their willpower.
As you may know, this is not an accurate portrayal of the differences between men and women. Women are just as susceptible to addiction as men are. It is true that men tend to become addicted to drugs and alcohol more often than women. However, women are coming in at a close second. That’s because addiction in women is more prevalent now than it ever has been before.
Women should not be ashamed if they have been struggling with substance abuse or addiction. What they should focus on is getting help. Help means attending rehab for women and starting with the drug or alcohol detox help they need.
One other thing to note is that addiction can come with more severe consequences for women than men. In particular, drug abuse and addiction could coincide with pregnancy. In this case, it is even more important to seek medical aid as soon as possible. Otherwise, women who are struggling with drugs or alcohol while pregnant put themselves and their babies at risk.
What to Expect at Rehab for Women
Women may feel embarrassed or ashamed when entering rehab. However, to ease the transition and keep women more comfortable, we offer specialized rehab for women only. That way, patients won’t have to worry about being in mixed groups with men. They won’t have to worry about the perceived stigma.
If you are a woman who is entering rehab for women, the following is what you can expect.
First, you will go through an intake assessment. During intake, a counselor who is licensed and knowledgeable about drug addiction will interview you. You may also have a medical evaluation. This is to get an idea of your current health and wellness state. Naturally, it is necessary to do this before you begin any drug detox program.
Once the medical evaluation is complete, you will begin your detox program. During treatment for drug addiction or alcohol addiction, withdrawal symptoms will appear. Withdrawal is never easy. Of course, it’s what those who struggle with addiction fear most. Symptoms of withdrawal often include nausea, stomachaches, vomiting, migraines, sleeplessness, irritability, hallucinations, and tremors.
Fortunately, there’s good news here.
These are severe symptoms to imagine. However, the reason that you are in a detox program is so that we can help. Our medical professionals who will supervise you throughout the entirety of your detox will continuously monitor you. When you go through withdrawal, they will lessen the symptoms. Fortunately, in some cases, they can even eliminate withdrawal symptoms.
Finding Help for Women With Addiction
Serenity House Detox & Recovery is here to help you with your addiction. We’ll create a foundation for your recovery and prepare you for further treatment and lasting sober recovery. If you’re interested in learning more about rehab for women and the programs we offer, call Serenity House Detox & Recovery today at 866-294-5306.
Don’t wait to get the help you need for your addiction. Call us today.