You’re probably familiar with the powdery, white heroin. People snort or inject it. However, this drug has a close relative: black tar heroin. So, what is black tar heroin?
What is Black Tar Heroin? Is it Similar to the Drug’s White Powder Form?
What is black tar heroin? It’s a solid form of a less pure drug. To use, people liquefy it for injection. It works much like the other variety, which produces a euphoric rush and prolonged form of sedation.
But unlike white powder versions of the drug, black tar heroin comes in a variety of purity levels. If you’re a buyer, you won’t know the potency of the product until you use it. As you might imagine, overdoses are everyday occurrences. Moreover, the presence of impurities puts you at risk for a variety of health problems.
What makes the drug so accessible is the low price. The color gives it away as a less-than-top-shelf product. Users are willing to risk bacterial infections for the high. Once they suffer from a full-fledged addiction, they no longer have the choice.
Detox is the Only Way to Stop Heroin Abuse
An opiate detox program is your way out of heroin abuse. What is black tar heroin if not a highly addictive substance with painful withdrawal symptoms? Quitting cold turkey on your own usually doesn’t work. The pain will quickly persuade you to find the next fix.
At a rehab facility, experts in the field understand this problem. They combine modalities such as:
- Medication management support that eliminates the pain of ending heroin use
- Medical detox program that ensures physiological comfort and safety
- Dialectical behavior therapy as a means of gaining control over strong emotions to counteract drug cravings
- A holistic approach, which may include meditation, yoga, or massage therapy
- Group therapy that combines support and accountability for your decision to end a substance abuse problem
Why It’s So Difficult to Quit on Your Own
You know that the drug’s destroying your health. You may have even heard of the infection dangers of black tar heroin. However, you feel isolated from others who could help you. The pain of withdrawal symptoms has you going back for more.
Even when you promise yourself to stop, there are still the triggers that caused you to use in the first place. You want to address them but your body claims that it can’t live without the drug. You can’t focus on dealing with your problems while your body thinks it’s dying.
That’s what makes detox such an essential element of recovery. Before you can focus on rehab and get well, you need to end the physiological addiction. On your own, an opiate addiction’s tough to beat. With help, it’s possible, pain-free, and quick.
Typically, you make it through detox in seven to ten days. When you’re ready to stop the abuse of black tar heroin, therapists at Serenity House Detox & Recovery want to help. Don’t put off recovery any longer. Call 866-294-5306 today for immediate assistance.