Anything of importance in this world is seldom free, and that’s especially true when it comes to free detox. There are several reasons why a facility would offer free detox, but no matter what the reasons are, the chances of you staying sober or having a safe detox are slim.
When you’re ready to get sober from drugs or alcohol, it’s important to do it correctly. Although the detox process can be expensive, there are ways that you can go through an affordable detox program without having to worry about breaking the bank.
Why is a Free Detox a Bad Idea?
Facilities that offer free detox may not have an experienced medical staff that thoroughly understands the disease of addiction, and there’s a good chance the facility doesn’t have the right equipment. Going to a free detox may seem tempting because many people struggling with the disease of addiction aren’t financially stable, but you should avoid these types of facilities at all costs.
Detoxification is the most important part of getting sober because it can be a very dangerous situation if it’s not done correctly. Depending on the substance the person has been using, there can actually be fatal consequences if detoxification isn’t handled properly.
What a Free Detoxification Center Can’t Manage
While you’re going through withdrawal, your heart is under an immense amount of stress. Those who pass away from symptoms of withdrawal are typically the victims of heart failure. Your whole body and internal organs are going into a state of shock, and anxiety is a common symptom of withdrawal as well.
Without the proper equipment to monitor your heart, you’re in a very dangerous situation. Aside from medical equipment, there are many medications that must be used to help stabilize your heart, and there are other medications that are used to reduce anxiety and prevent seizures as well.
What You’ll Get at a Quality Detox
A quality detox will be accredited, and they’ll work with your insurance company so that you’ll have some financial assistance when you go through this process. Insurance helps cover the cost of tests, medical monitoring and the medications you’ll be prescribed to help with the symptoms of withdrawal. A facility that’s accredited fully understands addiction and the symptoms of withdrawal for a wide range of different substances, so you’ll be in good hands. Detox drugs are used to help reduce the common symptoms of withdrawal, and this puts you in a much better place to transition to addiction treatment.
Come to Serenity House Detox & Recovery when you’re ready to kick your addiction to drugs or alcohol for good. We’re dedicated to helping create a strong foundation for your recovery, so call us today at 866-396-4129.