Wanting to quit using drugs is an admirable choice. However, don’t be swayed by the marketing of drug detox kits. These kits may look like a simple solution for addiction, but they actually come with a number of worrisome risks.
What are Drug Detox Kits?
A drug detox kit is typically a package of liquid or pills that claim to help consumers rid their body of drug toxins. Typic
ally, these kits are designed for people who want to pass upco
ming drug tests at school or work. Instructions might say to take a set number of pills, or a certain amount of the liquid, along with water.
A drug detox kit might claim to be a quick fix, but the results are certainly not conclusive. Often, the detox kit won’t even allow people to pass drug tests. They are definitely not designed to safely help people through a drug detox and its accompanying withdrawal symptoms.
The Risks of Using a Drug Detox Kit
Just some of the many risks of a drug detox kit include ingesting unregulated ingredients, not getting medical supervision and reducing the chance of lasting recovery.
The exact ingredients in a drug detox kit can vary. Since there is no such thing as a medicine or product that can instantly detox you, the ingredients are often herbal supplements. At best, these substances will do little to actually improve your health. At the worst, they could result in serious dehydration or illness.
There is also the risk of not successfully detoxing from drugs with these kits. Drug detox programs involve a lot more than just taking pills or supplements. To safely detox, you’ll need a secure, drug-free environment.
Alternative Methods of Detoxing From Drug Use
The best alternative to a drug detox kit is residential detox. This type of detox is 24/7 and typically lasts for around a week. In a high quality detox facility, patients get around-the-clock medical supervision and the resources to successfully break free from drug addiction.
Residential or inpatient detox typically starts with an assessment or health evaluation. This can identify and diagnose any physical health problems or mental illness, both of which can be treated right away. Detox programs will also have the medication, techniques and knowledge to help minimize withdrawal symptoms. A successful detox can mean successful sobriety for a lifetime.
Drug detox kits can be dangerous, and they are often unregulated and unhelpful for breaking a drug addiction. Instead, supervised drug detox treatment programs like the ones through Serenity House Detox & Recovery are ideal. Call 866-294-5306 if you’re ready to end your reliance on drugs and you’re ready to begin working towards a lifetime of health, sobriety and happiness.