If you are like others who suffer from an alcohol abuse problem, you may have experienced the highs and lows of trying to quit drinking. It can be frustrating, trying to stop on your own. You have likely wondered, “When will I be sober?” With the right help, you can be sober more quickly than you think.
When Will I Be Sober?
That question, “When will I be sober?” is a loaded one. After all, you are a unique being. Your alcohol addiction is yours alone. Your history, individual makeup and pathway to recovery are all unique.
There are issues you must tackle within yourself and toward recovery, to gain a clear answer to when you will be sober. To overcome your alcohol addiction, you need to:
- Make being sober your top priority in life
- Be willing to do everything you must, to stay sober
- Get the help you need through a quality detox program and rehab
- Remember that recovery is a process and takes ongoing effort
- Spend time with people who respect your sobriety
- Let go of hope to drink alcohol “safely”
- Take immediate action when you are willing to quit
- Stop fearing withdrawal, as it is simply like having a bad flu. With help, you will get through it
- Take responsibility for your own sobriety
- Remember that staying sober is like walking a tightrope. You need to always pay attention and respect your position
The above suggestions are precisely why it can be hard to quickly answer, “When will I be sober?” It may be why you have not heard a simple response from any health care professionals or others you have asked. The key to answering that question for yourself lies in getting into the right detox program and treatment.
By finding the right detox facility to meet your needs, you start on the road to recovery. After a short stay in detox, you can stop asking yourself that same old question of, “When will I be sober?” After detox, your question can be, “How can I stay sober?”
Getting Past “When Will I Be Sober?”
As you search for the right detox program for your needs, remember that sobriety cannot be gained overnight. You need to invest some time and effort into your sobriety, as part of an ongoing process. With the help of a quality detox center, you will get sober in a matter of a week or two. Then you must concentrate on staying sober.
Many people go through an up and down journey in sobriety. You may be like others, in that you relapse from time to time. Or you may be one who becomes sober and stays clean for the rest of your life. Your recovery is what you put into it and how you manage your life after becoming sober.
Getting sober and staying that way is a series of steps. You have to go through these steps, in order to gain the life you want. The steps for a lifetime of recovery include:
- Making the decision to quit drinking
- Entering a quality detox program
- Establishing a treatment plan
- Setting goals for your recovery and future
- Getting the support you need in treatment
- Making plans to live without alcohol
- Sticking to your plans for an addiction-free life
Detox Is the First Step to the Sobriety You Want
To become sober, you will likely need the help of a licensed and medically supervised detox program. This type of program knows how to treat patients suffering from alcohol addiction. A quality alcohol medical detox will not just keep you away from temptation and triggers. It will also keep you healthy and cared for as you go through withdrawal.
It is true that alcohol withdrawal can be life-threatening. This is especially true if you have been drinking for many months or years before quitting.
Alcohol withdrawal usually starts within a few hours of your last drink. The symptoms of withdrawal can go on for weeks. They range from mild symptoms like tremor and anxiety to severe problems like delirium tremens and seizures. Up to five percent of people who suffer delirium tremens can die from the condition.
Although alcohol withdrawal may seem easy enough in the beginning, the symptoms can rapidly get worse. By having the right type of help through a medically supervised alcohol detox and rehab program, you can actually be treated to reduce the chances of developing delirium tremens or seizures. If dangerous symptoms occur, the medical staff can immediately help you. If you have pre-existing health conditions like heart disease, respiratory problems, a history of seizures or infections, being in a detox facility can be lifesaving.
Serenity House Detox & Recovery Provides Safe Alcohol Detox
In Fort Lauderdale and Jupiter, Florida, Serenity House Detox & Recovery provides a cozy, compassionate atmosphere for safe detoxification from alcohol. As Serenity House Detox & Recovery is medically-supervised, patients can get through alcohol detox more comfortably and with lower risk of the most dangerous symptoms of withdrawal.
Detox is the first step into sobriety. When you or someone you love are ready to overcome alcohol addiction, you’ll want to ensure that path to a better life is safe, secure and comfortable. By experiencing detox at Serenity House, you can ensure that you are taking solid first steps to lifelong recovery. After detox, you will be ready to solidify your sobriety at your choice of alcohol treatment centers.
Get started in recovery now by calling Serenity House Detox & Recovery at 866-294-5306. In just a matter of days, you can stop wondering, “When will I be sober” and move on to setting goals for a better future.