Who we are and where we are is merely based on the simple concept of choices we have made that have brought us to the here and now. We have all been at a fork in the road, go left, go right, or press straight on through. In the depths of addiction, it can seem that there is no way out and that the only choice is to continue using. It feels almost impossible to make the right choice. It might even feel like there is no alternative choice to be made. And the drinking continues, down the dark and narrow path, straight to the bottom. Enter Alcoholics Anonymous at Serenity House Detox & Recovery.
Sometimes Rock Bottom is the Entry to Alcoholics Anonymous
Rock bottom, a term coined by alcoholics anonymous, has become the sturdy foundation for many that are on their new road to recovery from alcohol dependence. Each person in recovery can have a different rock bottom. Rock bottom doesn’t always mean living under a bridge and begging for money on a street corner. Although sadly for some, it is.
Rock bottom can be the professional who lost their job and can no longer provide for their family because he or she put alcohol ahead of one too many project deadlines. Or the stay at home mom who lost her children because she traded in her hopes and dreams for a prescription bottle of narcotics. Neither of these scenarios, coming to earn the label of an addict or alcoholic, is anything anyone is destined to become. There is a way out and along with detox at a quality center, alcoholics anonymous is introduced as a way of recovery that has worked for many.
Being in and living a life of recovery is a choice. Alcohol treatment centers can help. Alcoholics Anonymous can help. We can put the drugs and alcohol down and hope that life gets better. But if nothing changes, nothing changes. Wanting to change and making the changes are two different things. There is a decision that has to be made in order to become who it is you want to be. That decision is to choose a life of recovery. Serenity House Detox & Recovery provides in-house Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) 12 step meetings.
Alcoholics Anonymous at Serenity House Detox & Recovery
It is said that there is an upwards of 59,000 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings just in the United States. With 2,131,550 members worldwide in over 170 countries. Today 27,695 Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings are active in the United States. Worldwide there are 61,800 reported. And these numbers are growing.
We have the ability to create our own reality. Co-create your life with positive choices. For an addict, that first decision comes with the acceptance of powerlessness over drugs and alcohol. The power of choice is the most powerful tool an addict in recovery can use. One day at a time, by choice, an addict in recovery can stay clean and sober. Once someone has experienced clean time, there is no longer an excuse for not having a choice to use or not to use. The obsession to use can and will be lifted, in time. With each passing day of clean time, the next right choice becomes easier to make. With each next positive choice, we are closer to becoming who it is we have always wanted to be. At Serenity House Detox & Recovery center in Jupiter and Fort Lauderdale, FL, we offer that choice with the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Call us at 866.294.5306.