When you decide to end your drug or alcohol addiction, you very likely need therapy to help you find your way. Individual counseling is one of the most critical therapies you receive. This one-on-one therapy concentrates on the causes that led you to addiction. It also helps you understand yourself better, so you have a real chance at lasting sobriety and positive life change.

About Individual Counseling

Guy talking to a therapist during individual counseling at rehabIndividual counseling takes place in many detox and rehab programs today. But why do you need individual therapy? What benefits does it offer toward your recovery?

Going through detox ends your physical dependence on drugs or alcohol. But stopping the physical need for your substances does not fix your psychological dependence. You remain vulnerable to relapse. You need additional treatment, such as individual counseling.

Sigmund Freud used talk therapy to help people solve many of their life problems. He knew that individual counseling helped his patients heal mentally. Freud saw this therapy brought out their long-buried thoughts, feelings, and anxieties. He also observed that talking through problems provided a physical benefit.

Individual counseling continues being a cornerstone of addiction treatment. In this therapy, you work with a licensed therapist or counselor. You get to the causes of your addiction. You also work through experiences of your substance abuse.

Once you and your counselor shine a light on your experiences and the beliefs fueling your drinking or drug use, you see how to avoid relapse. You understand your triggers and temptations. You also appreciate the thoughts that undermine sobriety.

Using all of this information, you develop positive coping skills to help you stay sober. You learn to make better decisions throughout your life. You rebuild your life on a more solid foundation for success in sobriety, home life, communication, relationships, work, and school.

How Individual Therapy Works

Individual therapy, called psychotherapy by some therapists, helps you address your symptoms and causes of addiction. But it also guides you through your recovery process. It helps you work on your past, present and future all at the same time.

Your therapist uses the approaches best suited to your individual needs. These methods include accepting your addiction to overcome hurdles like denial. You learn coping skills for healthier decision making. You also gain motivation toward sobriety and real recovery.

Through this counseling, you create a recovery plan. Your counseling continues to change over time, as you grow and change. Your therapy also provides stability through a set schedule, set session time and with a person you grow to rely upon and trust.

But individual therapy does provide some surprises you may not expect. Many people feel surprised by how much change counseling brings. They also do not go into treatment knowing how much they direct their sessions. You see your progress every step of the way and work on what is bothering you right at the moment.

Individual therapy often includes:

  • Drug screening or urine tests
  • Talking about your substance abuse
  • Discussing themes in your life and struggles
  • Talking through current struggles
  • Reflecting on progress

Your counselor guides you through methods of gaining self-awareness. Through this help, you learn ways to keep your recovery stable throughout your life.

Florida Detox with Individual Therapy

In Fort Lauderdale and Jupiter, Florida, Serenity House Detox & Recovery provides the treatment you need to start healthy recovery from drug or alcohol addiction. This treatment includes an array of therapies, such as one-on-one counseling, group therapy, and family therapy.

At Serenity House Detox & Recovery you also receive advanced and proven therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). These proven methods of counseling help you fully understand and overcome your substance abuse. They also help you improve in other areas of your life.

Other services of Serenity House Detox & Recovery include:

At Serenity House Detox & Recovery you start your journey to healthy recovery. This journey includes individual counseling and therapies you need for a better life. So call Serenity House Detox & Recovery now at 866-294-5306 to find out how you can change your life in many ways, including addiction recovery.